Virginia Wing Vehicle Operations Safety Site
Vehicle Operator Safety through Education


Avoiding Backing Accidents
Blind Spots
Brakes and other Safety Tips
Cell Phone Use
Automotive Battery Safety: Jumpstarting
Driving in the Rain
DUI/DWI Statistics
Exhaust Fumes
Driving at Night
Setting Mirrors for Safety
Railroad Crossings
Road Rage, the need for Common Sense
Stopping Distances and Icy Roads
Vehicle Operator Mindset
Vehicle Operator Safety through Education
Vehicle Safety Topics Page One
Vehicle Safety: Tires
Vehicle Safety: Tire Pressure and Hydroplaning
What to do when a tire blows out....
Winter Driving Tips
Rural Driving Safety
Vehicle Fires
Impaired Drivers
Winter Safety
Contact Us
Important Links

It is our mission to prevent accidents and mishaps that would result in property damage, and more importantly to prevent injury or fatality to a member or civilian.  Safety Prevention and Safety Education go hand in hand.

Vehicle Operator Safety

"Oh, I'm a safe's the other guy you have to worry about...".  Accidents happen.  Preventing Accidents must happen as well.  Just as a pilot will check out his or her aircraft prior to flight, a Vehicle Operator must take the same care to inspect their vehicle for mechanical issues that may cause an accident to occur.  Likewise, a pilot is always aware of their surroundings, the same must attentiveness the Vehicle Operator must exhibit as well.

Our Mission

It is the goal of the Wing Transportation Directorate to educate and promote vehicle safety within the Virginia Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. 

Headquarters, Virginia Wing, Civil Air Patrol
Transportation Directorate